Thursday, February 13, 2025
Thursday, February 13, 2025
HomeAll The NewsThe View from 65

The View from 65

I recently celebrated one of those milestone birthdays. Iā€™m officially of Medicare age now ā€” 65 years old. I never thought that I would live to be 65 but here I am, kicking it! This year of my life also marks a ministry milestone as well. Iā€™ve been serving the Lord in vocational ministry for 45 years. Iā€™m not sure the years God has given me to serve Him have made me any wiser (which probably says a lot about me), but it does grant me some street cred when it comes to experience. So, here are some musings looking back on 45 years of service.

ā€¢ For some reason only known by The Father, people are incredibly precious to God.

ā€¢ Though questioned, ridiculed and facing relentless efforts to discredit it, the Bible still stands as the best source of information for living a great life.

ā€¢ A pastorā€™s church family is where he serves. His family at home is where he makes a life.

ā€¢ My true success in ministry can only be measured by my faithfulness to His calling.

ā€¢ Comparing myself or my ministry to the ministry of others will only lead to guilt and depression.

ā€¢ I still need to be learning ā€” every day.

ā€¢ The lives of people who live in theological echo chambers are usually marked by being stale, judgmental and unforgiving.

ā€¢ Exercise helps with my energy level and emotional state as much as anything else I do.

ā€¢ As much as I want it not to, nothing hurts worse than watching people walk away.

ā€¢ Mexican food is one of the Lordā€™s choice blessings.

ā€¢ Life is better with good friends.

ā€¢ Itā€™s okay to take time off every week. It makes you a better servant. Even Jesus took time to rest.

ā€¢ Iā€™m not much, but my God is really big.

ā€¢ Laughing is great exercise for the heart.

ā€¢ My kids will remember the time I spent with them lots more than any sermon I might preach.

ā€¢ Everything I need to know about God I can learn from the life of Jesus.

ā€¢ I should never lose my wonder in the cross or the resurrection.

ā€¢ It is such a blessing to serve the Lord and His church.