March & April: Baptist Trumpet Special Emphasis
By the Editor
March and April are mandated by the BMA of Arkansas as months of Special Emphasis for the Baptist Trumpet, so I’ll be mailing a letter and posters to the churches this week. I always sign each letter personally and do the actual mailing myself because I want it to come straight from my heart to yours.
To be honest, this year’s mailing was hard because I know it will be the last one I’ll send out as your editor, and because our needs are great. But I can’t wait to see how God is going to use you this year to bless us!
The following is the letter that is being sent to the churches. Thank you for anything you can do to help.
My Dear Friends:
As you probably know by now, I will be retiring at this year’s BMA of Arkansas state meeting on Nov. 5.
To say that my 40+ years at the Trumpet (over 14 as editor) have been a joy would be a huge understatement. I have loved serving you more than you’ll ever know, but it is time for me to step aside and let someone younger take over. (Another huge reason is because my husband, Pat has had two strokes, and he needs and wants me to be with him.)
With all that said, may I ask a personal favor of you? Would you please help me finish my course well by praying for me and by giving as much as you can to our Special Emphasis this year?
Several factors caused us to finish 2019 with a huge deficit — our offerings were down over $38,000 for the year, we had double salaries for a while in order to train two new employees, at the end of the year we had to replace the Trumpet vehicle due to high mileage and increased maintenance cost, and the list goes on and on.
I’d really like to get the vehicle paid off before my race is over, and also help the new editor get off to a good start financially as the Trumpet baton is passed to the next runner. Both of those things can be accomplished with a good Special Emphasis this year.
Our churches have faithfully supported the Baptist Trumpet ministry (and me) for many years, and it has meant the world to me and to the entire staff. Thank you so much for everything you’ve done (and everything you will do) to help this ministry I love so much.
I love you all, and I “thank my God upon every remembrance of you.”
— Always, Diane
Special Emphasis 2020
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