“God is Faithful”

As I set out to write this journey article, I thought about how to frame this Special Emphasis update as we are just getting started. The faithfulness of God came to mind as I have seen Him work in my time here at the Trumpet and I can also look back over the years and see how He carried this ministry through difficult times. Personally, I know the faithfulness of God as He has helped me and my family through difficult times as well. But then I thought, “I always say, ‘God is Faithful.’” For a moment, I began to try and think of another direction to go with this update, then I had the thought, “That’s because He is always faithful!” So here I am, reminding myself and you — “God is faithful!”

As we have begun our annual time of Special Emphasis, I am not worried about meeting our goal this year, because I know that God is faithful! I also know Allan and I have spent time praying and evaluating what we believe the needs of this ministry are both now and in the future. Since God led us to this goal, we are going to trust His provision according to His timetable.

If you have any questions about our time of Special Emphasis or if you would like for me to come and share about this ministry, please reach out to me at editor@baptisttrumpet.com. You can also call the office at (501) 565-4601.

Below are those that have already given toward our Special Emphasis. We are already above 10%!

2023 Special Emphasis • Goal — $30,000

Milligan Ridge, Manila $1,000

Jim/Paula White $100

Anonymous $1,000

Springhill, Greenbrier $1,000

Lance/Martha Madden, West Helena $200

United WMA $100

Pat & Diane Spriggs $300

Total $3,300