Wednesday, July 24, 2024
Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Greenbrier District GMA

First Baptist Church- Damascus 43 Oak Tree Rd., Damascus, AR, United States

Greenbrier District GMA, Aug. 28; First, Damascus.

Rebel Student Conference

Rebel Student Conference, Sept. 6-8; Friday (9:30 p.m.), Sat./Sun. (6 p.m.); Mt. Pleasant, Plumerville.

The Bolins in Concert

Retina BaptistTrumpet_Logo_BlackRedCMYK

The Bolins in Concert, Sept. 7, 5 p.m. (meal); 6 p.m. (concert); Faustina, Hampton

Revival – Southside Baptist, Hope

Southside Baptist Church - Hope 2805 Highway 29 S, Hope, AR, United States

     Southside, Hope, Sept. 8-11, 10:45 (Sun. morning), 6:45 p.m. (Sun.-Wed.); David Markham, Todd Reed, Blain Markham, evan.; Ernie Sorrells, pastor.

Homecoming – Rock Hill, Jonesboro

Rock Hill, Jonesboro, Sept. 8, 10 a.m. Sunday School and worship with singing and special speaker, lunch at noon; Rich Norris, interim pastor

Revival – Springhill, Greenbrier

Springhill, Greenbrier, Sept. 8, 15, 22, 29, 6 p.m.; Nick Flowers, evan. (Sept. 8); Ron Owens, evan. (Sept. 15); Gary Copeland, evan. (Sept. 22); Mike Goodwin, evan. (Sept. 29); Ed Stephenson, pastor.

Revival – Bethany, Dierks

Revival Services - September 9-11 at 7 p.m. Evangelists - Bobby Neal, Archie Philips & Ronald Gilbert Larry Eason, pastor.

Mt. Vernon Brotherhood

Grace Baptist Church - Wynne 400 E Martin Drive, Wynne, AR, United States

Mt. Vernon Brotherhood, Sept. 9, 6:30 p.m.; Grace, Wynne.

Jonesboro District Brotherhood

Fairview Baptist Church- Jonesboro 3203 Race St., Jonesboro, AR, United States

Jonesboro District Brotherhood, Sept. 10; Fairview, Jonesboro.

Southern Jubilee – First Baptist, Caldwell

   Southern Jubilee, Sept. 13-14, Friday (6 p.m.), Sat. (5 p.m.), special musical guests include: Abundance Quartet, His Call, The Kinsmen, Heaven’s Echoes and pianist, Willie Ming; Mike Goodwin, emcee; Free admission – love offering; First, Caldwell.