According to the numbers, even with the new rates (implemented December 1, 2021), the Baptist Trumpet still not bringing in the full cost to produce and distribute the paper weekly. That is why we are asking for people to join the Trumpet team. We are looking for 90 churches or individuals that are willing to give $39 per month (since we began in 1939) for the next year to eliminate the remaining deficit.
As of December 8, 2021, two donors have joined the Trumpet Team. Both chose to give a one time gift of $ 468.00.

Can You Help?
We are not asking for “extra” funds, but simply seeking to raise the funds needed to “break-even” with each issue produced. It is crucial that we fill each of our “team member” slots so that we can keep moving forward in this ministry.
If you would like to join our team, please visit baptisttrumpet.com/team or scan the QR code below.
Please Pray
Will you also join with us in praying that God will honor our faithful stewardship and provide from his “cattle on a thousand hills” (Psa. 50:10)? God has been faithful to this ministry, and I believe He will continue to be faithful. We trust He has a plan for the future of the Baptist Trumpet, and we sincerely want to follow His leadership as new opportunities come our way.