By Jimmy Walker, Philippines Missionary – published 8/7/2019
As many of you have heard, lifelong BMA missionary Darlene Carey passed away a few weeks ago. To have known her was to have known a true warrior for our Lord.
For many years, she served as a missionary in the Philippines, traveling from village to village, evangelizing, doing women’s ministry, establishing Christian kindergartens and assisting church planters in whatever they needed to help grow the church. She was the first single woman elected by the BMAA to be a missionary, and her example for young girls and women across our work is remarkable.
I first met Darlene at the SOAR student conference many years ago. I remember being moved by her compassion for the lost and her willingness to go, and that legacy is still very much alive here in the Philippines. Whenever her name is mentioned among our churches here, faces light up with joy!
So we are pleased to announce that our new Christian Academy in the Philippines will be named in her honor — The Darlene Carey Christian Academy.
Last month, we launched our fundraising campaign to build 12 new classrooms to accommodate a 1st-12th-grade Christian academy. (See page 1 of the July 10 issue of the Baptist Trumpet.) We are excited that her legacy will live on in the life of this new grade school and that it will challenge young girls and boys to follow in her footsteps.
Why start a Christian grade school? This will be a tremendous outreach to the community around the college. It will be a place where children can come each day and receive a Christ-centered education. It will be a place where disciples are made. The school will also give us opportunities to reach parents with the Gospel.
The grade school will also be a financial blessing to the BMA Bible College. Right now, around 95% of the college’s operating budget comes from churches and individual donors in the United States. We anticipate that the grade school will be able to provide around 40% of the funds needed to perpetuate the college ministry. This is the first step in helping the college to become a self-supporting ministry.
What We Need
In order for us to grow the grade school, we need 12 additional classrooms. It is not necessary to have all of them at one time, but we will need 3 by this next July and we would need to begin construction by January. Each classroom will cost around $10,000.
Can you help provide a classroom? Can your church help provide a classroom? If so, your gift will be a blessing that will have an impact for decades to come.
Please send your offering to the BMAA Missions, P.O. Box 878, Conway, Ark. 72033; or to Garrett Memorial Baptist Church, P.O. Box 223, Hope, Ark. 71802. Be sure to designate your gift to “The Darlene Carey Christian Academy.”
If you would like more information, email me at