It is hard to believe it is 2022! In some ways, due to the ongoing pandemic, it feels like we are still in the midst of a never-ending 2020! As we look back over the last year and do our best to prepare for what is to come, I am reminded of the truth that keeps me going forward every day in life and ministry — God is faithful!
Planning for the Future
We realize we must do our best to plan for what the future ministry of the Baptist Trumpet will be so that we can continue to inform and inspire our readers for years to come. One of the things we know needs to be updated is our website. We want to be able to feature all of the content that is the printed edition as well as other interactive features that will make your go-to place to stay informed and inspired. Please pray with us that God will provide the right opportunities and contacts as we begin to make plans for an update/upgrade to our existing website in 2022.
Finances Showing Improvement
We ended 2021 by adopting a much-needed rate increase to help us move toward a better financial situation for the future ministry of the Baptist Trumpet. The new rates went into effect Dec. 1, which means the first bills to reflect the rate increase went out at the end of the year. I am pleased to say that we are already seeing an increase in available funds as these invoices are paid. God is faithful!
We also introduced the Trumpet Team initiative — our plan to eliminate the remaining operating deficit for the coming year by encouraging 90 churches and individuals to give $39 per month (or a one-time $468 donation). I am pleased to share that we are almost 50% funded ($20,506) with our Trumpet Team! We now have 43 Trumpet team members!
Welcome to our newest Trumpet Team members:
Ronald & Marilyn Verser, Donaldson
Donald & Lorene Plunkett, Grapevine
JA Ratliff, Conway
Lamar & Peggy Lee, Magnolia
Casey & Jennifer Buford, Little Rock
New Caney Baptist Church, Plumerville
If you are interested in helping us by joining the Trumpet team, please visit for all the details, including a link to donate via our secure online portal.