Aaron Maxwell has accepted the pastorate of Sunnyside Baptist Church in DeWitt.
Billy Chris Langston, pastor at New Liberty Baptist Church in Emmett, will be ordained on April 24th at 2 p.m., at Forest Hills Baptist Church in Emmett.
Rodger Dunham recently surrendered to preach and is available for preaching appointments. Contact him at (870) 397-3070.
Bald Knob Baptist Church in Plumerville is seeking a piano player for Sunday services. Contact Tammie Darter at tammiesdarter@yahoo.com or (501) 208-2609 (after 5 p.m.).
Lone Oak Baptist Church in Mississippi County is seeking a full-time pastor. For information, please call Glenn Moody at (870) 740-2532 or visit loneoakbaptistchurch.com. Please email resumes to glenn.farmers1st@att.net.
Franklin Street Baptist Church in Farmerville, La. is seeking a full-time pastor.
Please send resumes to Search Committee, P.O. Box 268, Farmerville, La. 71241.