This year’s Commencement Ceremony will be held on the campus of Central Baptist College Saturday, May 7. There will be two ceremonies, 10 a.m. and 2 p.m.
In December, we held the first December Commencement Ceremony in school history. There were nearly 30 students that were eligible to graduate, and most of the graduates participated.
This May there are approximately 65 graduates who will be participating. The event will also be livestreamed for the family and friends who cannot attend the ceremony.
In addition to adding the December Commencement, a change has been made to the Commencement Speaker for each ceremony. The Graduation Committee, along with the Executive Leadership Team’s approval, recommended that we utilize our faculty members to give the Commencement Address to our graduates. The committee felt that this would make the experience much more personal for the students to have one of their own faculty members deliver the address.
In December, Dr. Joel Slayton addressed our students in a very personal way. This meant a lot to the administration, faculty and students. The committee is currently coordinating this year’s speaker and looks forward to another memorable Central Baptist College Commencement Ceremony.
Students and guests can find current details and the livestream link at
Honor and Memorial Gifts
The following are honor and memorial contributions received since the last report by Central Baptist College. Some of the contributions are recurring gifts but are only listed once. However, the family and/or honoree received an acknowledgement each time an honor/memorial gift was received.
In Memory Of
Kenneth R. Brown by Mr. & Mrs. Tommy L. Wallace; J. E. Cobb by Mr. & Mrs. Tommy L. Wallace; Dr. Harold E. Cooper by Mr. & Mrs. Tommy L. Wallace; Erma Harrell by Marieca G. Ashworth; Jim Lambright by Mr. & Mrs. Lanny Whitaker; Mildred Lambright by Cecelia Graham and Mr. & Mrs. Lanny Whitaker;
Charles McIllwain by Mr. & Mrs. Garry Wood, Garver Aviation Team, Matt Fleming, Lane Home Furnishings, Mr. & Mrs. Billy Higdon, Mr. & Mrs. Jerry D. Clark and Michael Chenevert; Donna “Micki” M. Mitchell by Ms. Esther M. Kershner-Mitchell; Dr. Ron Mitchell by Esther M. Kershner-Mitchell; Merle Stuckey by Mrs. Delores Smith, Mr. & Mrs. Virgil Hellums, Mr. & Mrs. Randy Stuckey, Sharron Masey, Mr. & Mrs. Tom Murphree, Sara Young, Mr. & Mrs. Clifton Petty, Mr. & Mrs. Noel Linville and Mr. & Mrs. James E. Cobb; Charles A. Sullivan, Jr. by Mr. Charles W. Deaton.
In Honor Of
Judy Gabbard by Mr. & Mrs. Tommy L. Wallace; Crystal Long by Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Whittingham; Frank Panzrino by Norman D. Crass.