By Lance Madden, Reporter
The Mount Vernon BMA Brotherhood met Monday, Sept. 11, at Harmony Baptist Church in West Helena for our quarterly meeting. We had 38 present, with 7 churches represented. We collected an offering of $300 for Eddie and Joy Kelso. Please continue to keep the Kelsos and Know the Truth Prison Ministries in your prayers.
The host church fed us a delicious meal, Bernard Evans and Chesser Crisp led us in congregational hymns and Terry Garrison blessed us with two specials.
Fred Garrison then introduced his brother-in-law, Dr. Barry Baker, as our speaker for the evening. He brought an encouraging message from Nahum 1:7 on the comfort of God and His Word.
The next meeting of the Mount Vernon BMA Brotherhood will be Monday, Dec. 4 at Central Baptist Church in Hughes at 6:30 p.m. Our offering goal will be Mt. Vernon BMA Missions.