Wednesday, January 15, 2025
Wednesday, January 15, 2025
HomeAll The NewsSTUDENT MINISTRY: 10 Questions Every Teen Should Ask

STUDENT MINISTRY: 10 Questions Every Teen Should Ask

      We are big fans of books at the BMA of Arkansas Youth Department. Each year, we have tried to put good books into our attendees’ hands at our annual Student Ministry Workers Retreat. This past year, Crossway gave us an exceptional deal on 100 copies of 10 Questions Every Teen Should Ask (and Answer) about Christianity by Rebecca McLaughlin. That means every person who attended walked home with a free copy.

      This year, we have secured some great deals from Christian Book Distributors, giveaways from Replicate Ministries and two free books from Truth For Life (Alistair Begg’s ministry). And I’m not done asking yet. I hope you plan on joining us at Central Baptist College on Sept. 14 for another great day. Dr. Owen Strachan will be our featured speaker, with some great breakouts focused on discipleship. You can register at

      With Christian bookstores all but gone from the landscape, it can be difficult to determine good books for ourselves and our students. To help in this process, I hope to occasionally review books aimed at those in ministry or students. This week, I wanted to take a few moments and share my thoughts on McLaughlin’s book.

         10 Questions Every Teen Should Ask (and Answer) about Christianity is a book for tweens and teens who are asking some of the big questions in life. It is designed to equip students with answers as they encounter some of the more difficult questions they may face in school or from their friends. Questions include “How can I live my best life now?”, “Isn’t Christianity against diversity?”, “Can’t we just be good without God?” and “Who cares if you’re a boy or a girl?” McLaughlin does a great job presenting material that is readable and informative. She utilizes several pop culture references that help draw readers in as she provides sound theological arguments for these harder questions based on logic and God’s Word.

      As a reader, you may feel uncomfortable with her honesty. In the chapter “Why Can’t We Just Agree Love is Love,” she discusses biblical marriage, sex and attraction. She shares that she is tempted in the area of same-sex attraction, but realizes that God’s guidelines for marriage and love don’t allow for that. It is a temptation she must deal with. She goes on to share that if she were ever tempted to have an affair outside of her marriage, it would be with someone of the same sex. She mentions this later in the book as well. I appreciate her forthrightness in discussing this and her clear understanding of what God wants for her and everyone. Our students are hit with this type of information in so many places. It is good to hear someone write and discuss the sinfulness of this issue.

      In chapter 10, the author points readers toward a relationship with God by discussing the subject of Heaven and Hell. While she speaks of eternal destiny, she doesn’t speak of Heaven and Hell as destinations as much as needed. If you are leading your students through this chapter, you will want to have more firm biblical references on the subject.

      If you are looking for a book about apologetics to read with your students or children, this is a great place to start. Our students need to be equipped as they face the realities of this world. They should be ready to stand and give an answer for the faith they embrace. Let’s give them much of the Book and good books to help prepare them.