Friday, January 17, 2025
Friday, January 17, 2025
HomeAll The NewsJOURNEY WITH JEFF: It's That Time!


      You may or may not have noticed, but I haven’t been able to include a Journey with Jeff article in quite a while. The reason is simply because there was no room! The priority is getting the needed informational and inspirational articles out to our readers in a timely manner. I still have things on my desk that we haven’t had room to run in the paper yet.

      Even so, I wanted to have this short note to remind you that the time set aside for Special Emphasis for the Baptist Trumpet to raise needed ministry funds is the months of March and April. Packets are on the way to the churches that includes a letter explaining our needs and some flyers that can be used to promote our Special Emphasis over the next two months. Please don’t just “file” the envelope in “file 13” when it arrives.

      As always, if you would like me to come and share about the ministry of the Trumpet with your church, ministry group (men’s meeting, ladies’ meeting, etc.), I would be glad to do so. Please reach out to me at (501) 565-4601 or so we can find a time that will work best.

      Thank you for your prayers and support as we begin this time of Special Emphasis on the ministry of the Baptist Trumpet.