Tuesday, January 21, 2025
Tuesday, January 21, 2025
HomeAll The NewsSouthwest GMA Meets

Southwest GMA Meets

By Madison Miller, Recording/Corresponding Secretary

The Southwest District GMA met on Saturday, Jan. 27, at College View Baptist Church in Magnolia. The theme for 2024 is “My God,” taken from John 1:12-13. 

 The theme for our meeting was “Waymaker,” and the verse was John 14:6.

The meeting was opened by President Lilli Medlin with the opening prayer by Valarie Fish. The welcome was given by College View and the response was given by Pleasant Springs. Lilli led the GMA Watchword, Aim and Allegiance and Song Leader Abbie Burchfield led in the GMA song. Abbie then led in our theme song, “Waymaker” by Michael W. Smith, followed by “God Will Make a Way.”

2023 Alternate Jr. Miss GMA Kaylee Camp gave a devotional related to the theme, followed by an object lesson about snowflakes by Abbie Burchfield and Madison Miller. They talked about how snowflakes are all different, just like God created us all to be different and have different talents that we need to use to serve Him.

The treasurer’s report was given by Goal Chairman Dixie Almand. We gave a total of $2,343.80 to the 2023 project — Missionary Care, and we have $217 left in our account. The attendance board was updated by Attendance Chairman Kati Williams. There were 33 girls, counselors and visitors present.

Old business: we decided to change the name of our project, Israel Relief, to Middle East Relief (in care of Charlie Costa) because we don’t have a contact person for Israel.

New business: we discussed “Fun Day” for our next meeting in April, but nothing was decided for sure yet. Possibly, we will go bowling in Mufreesboro.

Louise Johnson talked about the state meeting, which is coming up Feb. 22-23 in Conway. The theme will be “Library of Legacies.”

1st Vice President Brooke Hanson talked about our new district GMA T-shirts. Ana Wilson presented our 2024 District Jr. Miss from Antioch West Baptist Church — Dixie Almand. Valarie Fish explained to the girls that striving toward the goal of Jr. Miss or Miss GMA is a worthy goal because it will, hopefully, draw them closer to Jesus as they learn more about Him.

The dismissal prayer and blessing on the food were given by Lilli. Lunch was provided by College View.