Friday, January 17, 2025
Friday, January 17, 2025
HomeAll The NewsSPOTLIGHT ON MISSIONS: Johsua & Meagan Phiri • Zambia

SPOTLIGHT ON MISSIONS: Johsua & Meagan Phiri • Zambia

      Something truly remarkable is happening in a new area called Malongalonga, and I want to share this with you in the hope that it will stir your hearts as it has stirred ours. Malongalonga is made up of four villages — Mubiana, Lusumo, Chikuyu and Makamba. These villages have held a special place in our hearts, as we witness God’s unimaginable work.

         • New Beginning in Lusumo Village — A few months back, we were able to share the gospel with the people of Lusumo village. Simple acts of love have evolved into a powerful spiritual movement. Hearts are turning to Christ, causing life transformations.

      We’ve recently started a small church in Lusumo, and while we don’t have a building yet, we gather under the shade of a tree. This simple space has become sacred ground. Gathering under the open sky, we are reminded that the church is defined by hearts in faith and fellowship, not by walls. In these gatherings, prayers and songs reach Heaven with a raw and beautiful intensity.

      • Water for Life, a Well of Hope — In Lusumo, we’ve also had the privilege of putting in a water well. This well provides more than just clean water. Those who used to struggle for water now have it readily available, bringing peace and joy to the community. Gardens are growing, children are thriving and God’s provision is evident in the flow of this life-giving water.

         • Prayers for the Future (Reaching Beyond) — Despite celebrating these victories, there is still much work ahead. The fields in Malongalonga are ripe for harvest, and our hearts are burdened for the neighboring villages — Mubiana, Chikuyu and Makamba. Our longing is to take the gospel to them, sharing the message of hope that has touched Lusumo.

      But we can’t do this alone. We need your prayers, your support and God’s provision to raise up leaders in these villages. Our dream is to train leaders who can disciple and shepherd their own communities, spreading the light of Christ even further. We ask for your prayers as we seek resources to make this vision a reality.

         • A Call to Partner in Prayer and Action — The people of Malongalonga hunger for more than just food and water — they long for the gospel. And we have the opportunity to bring them the Bread of Life. Please pray with us for the resources to continue this mission. Pray for leaders to rise from these villages and for the yet-to-be-reached neighboring villages. Pray that our drilled well will remind people of God’s faithfulness and draw them to the eternal living water.

      Thank you for being a part of this journey. Your support, prayers and love fuel the work God is doing here. Together, we are seeing lives changed and communities transformed. We are grateful beyond words.

      If you are reading this and are not currently part of our financial team, would you consider supporting us monthly? We would also be so grateful if you know of anyone who would like to hear about our work and would be interested in joining our team. Please reach out to us at or by messaging us on Facebook! We would love to hear from you.

      If you would like to give via check, please make checks payable to “BMA Global — ChangeMaker” and write “For Joshua Phiri” on the memo line. Then, mail the check to P.O. Box 878, Conway, Ark. 72033. If you would like to give online, please go to All gifts are tax-deductible.